31 October 2005

thoughts in three parts

at home he's wishing he wasn't. eating left over take-n-bake pizza microwaved on high for thirty-one seconds, he's wishing he had someone there to ask if they wanted the last piece, which he fully intends on consuming, but would like the option of being polite. and after he's brushed his teeth, stripped, and crawled into bed to watch bowflex infomercials - only until girls gone wild comes on - before he drifts off to sleep alone, he's wishing he wasn't. alone.

she doesn't use words so as not to give herself away. when he left, she died, and they say you only die once, so she doesn't want to see what happens the second time. so now she keeps her distance, with her chest pressed against his. her head's a million miles away as she bites his lip. and everything that was perfect will never be again.

what happens next is a question to remain unanswered. love versus loss is a battle that will never be won. at the time of tragedy all life stands still, but once you move on you will soon conquer that which scares you most. and when that fear is love, you will be free to fall again. and this time i swear i won't drop you.

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