04 February 2006

failing you, my only regret

i don't regret much
'cause i've learned from my mistakes
and my past is what's made me
who i am today
but it's strange i can't explain
exactly how i feel
when you've been the focus of my thoughts
ever since you were first brought
to me from somewhere else
somewhere better, somewhere brighter,
some place where my heart is lighter
'cause ever since i failed you
it's been heavier than ever
now the only way to lift this weight
is to come right out and tell you straight:

you're the reason i still breathe
and live to see another day
all in hopes ammends are made
with you so i can hear you say
that you forgive me,
love me, miss me
it's then i'll hold you pressed against me
to save you from
those tears you've feared
would fall aginst another's ear
but as of now, and here on out
i'll be that ear to hear your shouts,
your laughs, your cries,
of joy, not of spite
your whispers, your sighs
as you gaze into my eyes
and see a future bold and bright
my heart is yours as well as i


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