24 July 2007

hard times (i try)

hard times become white lines
white lines become a need
a need becomes a reason
to give up on being free
kids become adults
religion becomes a cult
dreams become nightmares
when new ideas lead to revolt
a beer becomes a six-pack
a six-pack becomes a fifth
a fifth leads to hard times
and still the cycle persists
if the present is a gift
and this is as good as it gets
when god becomes a myth
how many will find the will to exist
(one life, one love)
we need a healthy fear of
the war in the streets
more than some wrath from above
advice become ultimatums
suggestions become rules
morals become laws
(we set ourselves up to lose)
want becomes need
power becomes greed
a taste becomes an appetite
for the blood of the meek
the tired long for sleep
like these words long for a beat
and the undisputed champion of the world
longs for defeat

i try to starve for the hungry
but my own hunger's getting worse
i try to live for the present
but realize this gift's just a curse
i wanna skip to the chorus
and just say fuck this verse
so i decided to make this the chorus
that's why this song sounds so perverse
i try to get in the moment
but i'm out of my head
i tried so hard to be different
i ended up conforming instead
i wanna live life to its fullest
but sometimes i wish i were dead
so i could come back and ruin the ending
and make you regret the life you've led

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